Civil War Era Raking Spur
Item #: WR21
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This is a civilian raking spur from the Civil War era. The rowel on this spur is parallel to the heel band instead of perpendicular. The original leather straps with roller buckle and ring are still on the spur. This is a fragile spur when compared to the more heavily constructed military spurs. The heel band is iron and was originally nickel silver plated. It measures 3" across the opening and has a 1" shank. The majority of the plating is gone, just traces remain here and there. The small 1/2" rowel still rotates freely. This style of spurs were all over the south before the war started. More than likely this spur belonged to a southern soldier leaving home to defend his way of life. As fragile as this one is I'm surprised it survived that terrible and costly conflict.
Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Price Was: 120.00 Sale Price: $106.00 USD
Your Price $106.00 USD
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