WWII German Luftwaffe Wireless Operator/Air Gunners Badge
Item #: WR47
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This is an German Luftwaffe Enlisted Man's/NCO's Wireless Operator's/Air Gunners cloth badge from World War II. The badge is in the form of a vertical oval wreath with laurel leaves on the right side and oak leaves on the left side sewn in light silverish gray rayon threads. A darker gray national eagle in flight clutches dual lightning bolts in it's talons within the wreath. It is sewn onto a cut-out Luftwaffe blue/grey wool base. The cloth badge is approximately 2 5/8" tall and 2 1/8" wide. The badge is in overall excellent condition. The wireless operator's/air gunner's qualification badge was introduced by Hermann Goring on 26 march, 1936 for award to radio operators, air gunners and mechanics who met the awards' criteria. It was awarded on an individual basis, with the main criteria being completion of five operational flights over enemy territory or a minimum of two months active service. The cloth version of this badge was authorized for wear on the flight blouse. Enlisted men and NCO's were authorized a machine embroidered badge while officers wore a hand embroidered badge. Originally the cloth version was only authorized for officers until the regulations were changed on 18 November, 1937, authorizing the cloth badges to be worn by EM's/NCO's. Here is another excellent condition World War II personal item that will compliment any collection.
Shipping Weight: 1 lb
Price Was: 225.00 Sale Price: $185.00 USD
Your Price $185.00 USD
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