Seven Excavated Union General Service Buttons Recovered from Warren County, Virginia
Item #: WR1462
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This is a group of seven excavated Union General Service buttons that came into the shop recently from a local collection. The buttons were recovered in Warren County, Virginia near the site of the Battle of Front Royal. The battle took place on 16 August, 1864 when Union forces under the command of BG Thomas Devin stopped the Confederate pursuit commanded by BG William T Wofford. Devin's men stopped the Confederate pursuit after the had crossed the Shenandoah River at the Front Royal crossing. There are five Union General Service coat size buttons and two General Service cuff size buttons. Three of the coat size buttons have Scovill back marks and two are not back marked. The two cuff size buttons are both back marked Scovill Extra. All are of two piece construction and have shanks. Three of the coat size buttons have bent shanks and one of the faces is pushed in, one of the cuff buttons has a bent shank. The remaining buttons have no damage at all. The five coat size buttons have achieved an absolute beautiful chocolate brown patina. The two cuff size buttons have retained the majority of the gilt. This button group would make a great piece for the beginning collector in your family!
Shipping Weight:
1 lb
Your Price $75.00 USD
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